Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Christmas tree

Recently, my wife and I just got a Christmas tree: this is my first Christmas tree ever in life.

My mom always made sure I had everything I NEEDED and the ones I just WANTED would have to be whenever she could afford them. Sometimes I saw or heard about some "luxuries" my friends were enjoying from their parents, I would run to my mom to get me mine and sincerely she tried her best. The times she wasn't able to, she would make sure I understood why and that alone would satisfy me. This gradually built a sense of contentment in me - which one of the major things I would forever appreciate my mom for.

Thinking about this, coupled with the fact that I finally got a Christmas tree, I decided to create this funny Scenario of an inconsiderate and a discontented child that decides to put his parents under unnecessary pressure.

WATCH BELOW and enjoy.